Breastmilk hand expression technique

Breastmilk hand expression technique

Demonstrating how to hand express breastmilk painlessly so that lactating mothers can ensure their infants are fed breastmilk even in their absence.

Different conditions of breast and nipple

Different conditions of breast and nipple

Explaining various conditions of the breast and nipples that may affect breastfeeding and how to address these issues to ensure proper infant nutrition.

Physical methos to increase breastmilk

Physical methos to increase breastmilk

Discussing household remedies that can help lactating mothers increase the breastmilk supply.

Other techniques of breastfeeding

Other techniques of breastfeeding

Demonstrating other breastfeeding positions, specifically the side-lying, football hold, and laid-back methods.

Explaining 45 pointers for ensuring effective breastfeeding techniques

Explaining 45 pointers for ensuring effective breastfeeding techniques

To ensure proper latching, explaining hunger cues, and the frequency of feeding to ensure sustained weight gain of infants.

Cross-Cradle hold

Cross-Cradle hold

Demonstrating the Cross-Cradle Hold technique with proper positioning of mother and infant along with the techniques for holding the breast.




NGO Darpan ID : MH/2017/0160436