What We Do
What We Do
Vegetable gardens
We create gardens at anganwadi centres and in individual households combats food insecurity and malnutrition in households. By growing fruits and vegetables, households can gain direct access to nutrients that may not be readily available or within their means. As a consequence of home gardening, household self-sufficiency improves, and a wider variety of foods are available.
Poultry & Goat rearing
Providing pregnant and lactating women and children with high quality protein and other nutrients is inexpensive by raising poultry. With our help, families receive initial input in the form of poultry cages, chicks, training on rearing, vaccinations and market linkages for selling.
The primary focus is on promoting fish farming as a viable and sustainable means of livelihood. This endeavor has the goal of enhancing the economic prospects and ensuring food security for the local community.
Under the Aqua School's pisciculture program, specific attention will be given to training and assisting villagers, particularly women, in acquiring fish farming skills. This includes imparting knowledge on effective pond management, fish breeding techniques, and proper feed management. Additionally, the program will advocate for sustainable practices to safeguard natural resources and preserve aquatic ecosystems.
Through participation in pisciculture, villagers will have the chance to generate income and enhance their nutritional status. Fish farming offers a reliable source of protein-rich food and creates employment opportunities within the community.

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