Areas of intervention
Providing home-based treatment to children suffering from moderate acute malnutrition and referring children with severe acute malnutrition to the nearest Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres (NRC).
Counsel and educate mothers / parents and the community at large on the causes and symptoms of malnutrition, maternal and child nutrition, sanitation, pregnancy care, accessing health services etc.
Training Anganwadi and Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) workers on identifying the early signs of malnutrition and taking corrective actions.
We train communities in safe and hygienic practices like the safe disposal of human waste, the importance of constructing bathrooms for the community, washing hands before 5 critical time points - before eating, after using toilet, before cooking, before feeding child and after cleaning child, boiling water before drinking it and storing it safely, and ensuring a clean play environment for children.
Malnutrition is predictable, preventable, and treatable. We have a proven model – already adopted by more than 70 national governments – to reach more children through the Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) approach.
Children who are identified as critical and have a medical condition are referred for in patient treatment in hospitals. Children who are severely malnourished but without complications are treated in our in-house Outpatient Treatment Centres (OTP)..
Action Against Hunger has established 2 such OTP centers in Govandi, fully functional with doctors, nurses and counselors, who screen children and pregnant mothers and provide appropriate treatment.
We educate and counsel pregnant, and lactating mothers on ANC, PNC, pregnancy care, maternal and child nutrition, breastfeeding and care practices, complimentary feeding etc. This is based on the First 1000 Days of Life Model.
First 1000 days approcach
The “First 1000 Days” a government endorsed program refers to the period between conception and the child’s second birthday. The “First 1000 Days” are a period of rapid physical growth and accelerated mental development and offer a unique opportunity to build lifelong health. Action Against Hunger India made a concerted effort to align its on ground programs around the First 1000 days of life model with a major focus on preventative behaviour change.
Areas of intervention
Prevention of anemia
Providing pregnant and lactating women with iron supplements to prevent iron deficiency.
Achieving early registration of all pregnancies in health centers and providing necessary care and attention to mothers and children
Child Care
Achieving the optimal physical and mental development of mother and child, including infant and young child feeding, early childhood development and immunization

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