Tata Mumbai Marathon 2019 – Action Against Hunger
20th January 2019 was quite a day for Action Against Hunger. We had a team of 160 passionate runners representing us and supporting the critical cause of malnutrition at the TATA Mumbai Marathon 2019.
Not only was this the biggest team representing Action Against Hunger, but also the most diverse. Runners from various backgrounds, ages, geographies and occupations came together wholeheartedly to raise a united voice against malnutrition and drive support towards a Hunger Free India.
For the 2019 edition, we had corporate runners from Legrand, Givaudan, K Hospitality and Drumsfood participating in the Half Marathon, Open 10K and the Dream Run events. For the 2nd year in a row our young star Daniel Tapia proudly ran for Action against Hunger and raised over 1 lakh rupees though his heartfelt appeal in an online fundraiser. Joining the run this year, we also had our passionate field teams from Palghar, Dharni and Govandi in the Dream Run event.
We are truly overwhelmed by the continued support of our individual and corporate partners year after year and are looking forward the the 2020 edition of the TATA Mumbai Marathon.
The TATA Mumbai Marathon brings together citizens of various backgrounds from the entire country and unites them through the joy of running. It highlights the great spirit of this city in supporting various charities and causes. The 2019 edition of the marathon saw over 44,000 participants, some running for their passion, some to push themselves while some supporting a cause they believe in.

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